What can you find in the neighborhood to the YaYuCo? This is almost as important as the convention location itself. We have compiled several maps about restaurants, shops, parking lots and ATMs to meet all your needs.
On this map you will find the surroundings of the youth hostel.
Who does not want to eat in the youth hostel – the food there is nice and has nothing in common with the typical youth hostel grub – will find options in the close vicinity!
Please note: It is not allowed to bring food from outside into the youth hostel or have it delivered there!
As the YaYuCo is located in a residential area with rather small streets, you can’t park just anywhere. In the last few years, gateways have been blocked several times by the cars of our guests, so we would like to remind you to be considerate of the residents!
The areas marked in blue on the map are the best parking lots within 10 min walking distance. But please note: the parking lot on the lower left belongs to a school and can’t be used on Friday, unless there are school holidays (thus no problem in 2020 expected)!
Ideally, you will arrive by public transport: LINK
Enter “Dachau Bahnhof” as starting point and “Rosswachstrasse 15” as destination.